by John Youden - May 16, 2016
by MLS Vallarta - March 24, 2018
Point2Homes recently performed a survey to find out where Canadians want to purchase a second home. To do so they analyzed Google search results for 2017, using keywords regarding homes for sale abroad.
Mexico was the number one choice for Canadians who want to purchase a second property. They found that Mexico remained the top go-to place, based on a similar report they launched back in 2015.
Puerto Vallarta stood out as the most looked-up destination in the country, with 2,940 monthly Google searches - twice as many as the next popular destination. The second place was held by Playa del Carmen, the fastest growing real estate market in Latin America, accounting for 1,470 searches. Cabo San Lucas was the third choice on Canadians’ wish list (960 searches per month). The city of Mérida was the fourth (830 searches), famous for its rich Mayan and colonial architecture. The most expensive location in the country, Cancún, was in fifth place in the ranking with 800 searches.
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